
Who serves the best soup in Central Jersey?

Share your favorite soup by emailing your pick to

Jenna Intersimone
Who do you think serves the best soup in Central Jersey?

As the weather gets colder, what's being served in Central Jerseyans' bowls get hotter.

With temperatures dropping as we move into December,, the Courier News and the Home News Tribune have their eyes on the one staple that's always sure to please with snow falling outside — a hearty bowl of soup.

Now, we want to hear from you: Who do you think serves the best soup in Central Jersey?

Is it the classic tomato with a side of garlic bread for dipping from the cafe down the street? Or is it the big bowl of beef stew from the restaurant on the corner that lasts for days in your house?

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Send your favorite soup picks to Engagement Editor Jenna Intersimone by emailing them to by Thursday, Dec. 3, including the name of the soup, the name of the serving establishment and why it's your favorite. Feel free to include a photo. Responses may be published in the Table section on Wednesday, Dec. 9.